Sunday, May 18, 2008

Future Event Possibilities in 1984

My feeling is that the Thought Police are exerting their force of Julia to get answers from Winston. Mr. Charrington will come clean as a member of the Thought Police who only rented Winston a room because of what he wrote in his diary. The whole room rental was a stick-up to be certain that Winston was against big Brother and the Party. While beating Julia, they will question Winston on the whereabouts of O'Brien and how he can turn off the telescreens. Julia will refuse to answer any questions because of her love for Winston, but he will give up Julia to save himself. Julia will be vaporized for going against the Party. Winston will be charged with thought crimes, but will not be vaporized because he gave in to the Party and he poses as no physical or mental threat.

1 comment:

Ms. H said...

So Julia will be stronger than Winston?