Monday, June 2, 2008


Sitting in a stand
Fifteen feet in the air
Sun peaks over the horizon
Squirrels wrestling in trees and on fall leaves
You hear an object in the distance
Then all falls silent
A grunt to your right sends your heart racing
A doe or two begin to come through
You let them pass and steady your weapon
Then all of a sudden out from a clearing
A beautiful buck approaches you and is nearing
You fall silent and click the safety off
Gun to your shoulder
Waiting, waiting
The buck walks up and stops dead on his tracks
A clear shot awaits you as you are ready to fire
Broad side he turns
You pull the trigger
The deer jumps and your barrel smokes
You breathe heavy and watch him run
He collapses over and you eject the shell
You wait some time and get down from the stand
You go claim your trophy that you will never forget
As the moment sets in a smile appears
Happiness is here amongst all of the cheers